years my husband and i have been together

Hi! I'm Mandie Schug of Alabaster Photos.

I have photography roots in mall photography from the 90's, seriously the radest high school job! My love of hospital newborn photography comes from the birth of my baby girls.

Welcome to my corner of the web, where the beauty of  pure innocence of hospital newborn photography comes to life. With a passion for capturing the essence of the fleeting magic of those first days with your little one, I specialize in baby-led photography that embraces the natural connection with you newborn child. Through my lens, I strive to freeze time, preserving the joy, love, and wonder that fill these precious moments, creating timeless keepsakes for families to cherish for generations to come.

My hospital newborn photography sessions are designed to be a peaceful and memorable experience These sessions offer a calm respite for parents to savor the precious moments with their newest family member within the birth space. From the gentle coos to the tender snuggles, every minute is dedicated to capturing the purest essence of your baby's first days. Relax and indulge in this intimate bonding time, knowing that each click of the camera immortalizes the love and joy that fills your heart.


countries i have visited


disney parks i have visited


semester i spent in Scotland


Tips for photo sessions, what to expect, and tips for parenting.

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A few of my favorite
New Richmond, WI places

Mandie was AMAZING for our maternity shoot! She gives great direction, is super friendly, easy to work with, and makes you feel comfortable in front of the camera! She also had our photos edited and done in ONE day! Highly recommend her for any kind of photography service that you’re looking to book!

- Julie
Somerset, WI


Are you ready to capture what you want to remember?