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How to enjoy the first 2 weeks with your newborn | New Richmond, WI

You’ve likely heard the saying, “Time flies when it comes to kids!” Whether cradling that new baby or awaiting their arrival, it’s important to cherish these first two weeks with your newborn.

Bringing your baby home for the first time can be a bit overwhelming. Here are some helpful tips from a mom in New Richmond, Wisconsin to assist you in adjusting.

Plan to allow yourself ample time to adjust.

Be patient with yourself. Adjusting to having a baby around takes time and there will be ups and downs. Don’t expect perfection all the time, and don’t be hard on yourself if things don’t go as planned.

After a few days, you might feel a desire to be productive, but it’s important to resist. This time is for you and your baby to rest and bond. It’s perfectly okay to let the world slow down for these two weeks and simply enjoy the moment.

Remember, taking care of your new baby is being productive. Feeding, changing, holding, and bonding with your child are all immensely productive activities.

You’ve likely heard this advice before, take naps when your newborn does!

You might be tired from the late-night feedings, but it’s crucial to listen to your body and take a nap when possible. Your body is experiencing many changes and needs as much rest as it can get. This becomes more challenging if you have more than one child. Make good use of having visitors. Ask them to watch your children for even just 20 minutes so you can rest. You’ll be surprised at how rejuvenating this can be.

Set aside time for yourself (even if it’s just 10-15 minutes per day)

Whether it’s reading a book, taking a bath, or simply walking around the block, find an activity that helps you unwind and rejuvenate. It doesn’t have to be anything grand but setting aside some “me” time can make you feel more balanced and better equipped to handle parenthood. I understand it’s challenging. I have a four-year-old on the spectrum and a two-year-old, and I’m still working on incorporating this practice into my daily routine. If you’re struggling to come up with “you” time activities, consider these questions:

What did you enjoy doing before you had a baby? Is there a way to incorporate a little of that into each day?

If you could do anything for an hour, what would it be?

Have you saved any activities on Pinterest or Instagram that you could try?

Take some time to just stare at your newborn.

Babies are incredibly perfect, and you may never be this close to them again. Absorb every little detail. By making use of the available help and giving yourself time to adjust, you can relish in your newborn’s first two weeks. Remember, raising a child takes a community, and you don’t have to do it all by yourself!

What helped you during your first two weeks home with your newborn? Was there anything that surprised you? Share your experience below or share on my Facebook page.

Newborn baby girl photography

Ask for help!

One of the best things you can do is to ask for help from your friends and family. They want to help, they really do, but sometimes they don’t know how. So here are a few suggestions:

  • Ask them to come over and just hold the baby while you take a shower or take a nap. It’s incredible how rejuvenating even a short break can be.
  • See if they can do some light housekeeping or laundry for you. Again, even a little bit of help can make a big difference.
  • If they live close by, ask if they can come over for regular visits to give you a break. An hour or two to yourself can work wonders.
    -ask your partner, parents, or in-laws to do some of the nighttime feedings. This may mean you will need to prepare by pumping or filling in with formula if you need.
    -let people know what times of day are most difficult for you, and see if someone can come over to lend a hand during those times
    Of course, every family is different and you know what will work best for you. But don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it. Your friends and family are there for you and want to support you in any way they can.
  • Please reach out to your healthcare provider if you are experiencing baby blues. In the depths of becoming a parent, I didn’t realize I was experiencing post-partum depression until I was in the middle of a breakdown while on the phone with my sister. She gently brought it up and I was so thankful. I went to the ER immediately and got the help I needed. I was so focused on my babes that I had forgotten about myself.

What helped you during your first two weeks home with your newborn? Was there anything that surprised you? Share your experience below or share on my Facebook page.

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